Your Cart : {{qtyTotal}}  
Rs {{ Round(fnGetTotal(dbItemsCart),5) }}
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{{$index+1}} {{ dbItem.ItemName }}
Delivery Charges  {{dbItemsMyArea[0].DeliveryCharge}}
Discount : {{dbItemsCart[0].DiscountDescription}}  {{dbItemsCart[0].DiscountAmount}}
CGST 2.5 %  {{ fnGetBillTax() }}
SGST 2.5 %  {{ fnGetBillTax() }}
Total  {{ Round(fnGetBillTotal(),5) }}

About Aanya Gold

We are one of the oldest business families in city Ganj Basoda, Vidisha, India with a family legacy of over a century in jewellery design, buying and selling. the forefathers believed ethical, honest and transparent business practices should form the foundation of Aanya Gold.


Wedding Ring